As much as we know about migraine, there is still so much to learn. We have barely cracked the surface in many respects, and one of the best ways learn more is through research. If you wish to support an outstanding organization, why not choose a non-profit organization with a full medical advisory board - one that funds research dedicated to making our lives easier?
The debilitating pain of migraine strikes 1 in 10 – including children and a disproportionate number of women – and is one of the world’s most disabling illnesses. Migraine disease affects more Americans than diabetes and asthma combined, yet funding for migraine research lags far behind. There are an estimated 36 million individuals who suffer, and about 14 million suffer chronic migraine, when attacks come nearly daily and are especially severe. That is why the Migraine Research Foundation exists. MRF is the only non-profit whose sole purpose is to fund innovative migraine research. All of our operating costs are covered, so every contribution directly funds research.